About Us
After securing community donations to fund the purchase and maintain a helicopter; Todd Stam, Lt. Ellis and Det. Northrup began looking for aircraft that would fit the purpose of the air unit. The search included aircraft available for sale or loan from the US government, state and local agencies. Due to recent cut backs by the federal government our exhaustive search was unsuccessful.
We also checked the aircraft for sale on the open market. Many promising aircraft were evaluated by the unit and some very talented and knowledgeable local experts. Lt. Ellis found several TH-67 helicopters were bought by an aircraft sales company in Texas. We looked at these and moved on to continue our search. However, one of these managed to keep coming back to our attention. 76 Charlie was the number/letter designation on the ships side.
The more we looked into this aircraft the better it looked for our purposes.
After researching the aircraft, we elected to have it inspected. To our surprise this helicopter was one of the best in condition they had seen. The owner of the sales company worked with us to include the latest services and make sure that the remaining useful times on the aircraft parts was extended as much as possible. After 76 Charlie was serviced and evaluated we decided to move ahead with the purchase.
Our helicopter was then flown to its new home by Todd Stam and Dave Valenti. Thus, ABLE 1 began its new life. After still more inspections by our Chief Mechanic Jim Walsh, the helicopter was shipped to California where the public safety equipment was installed.
this helicopter is an amazing collaboration of aviation experts, talented business leaders, and many hours of determined work by everyone involved.

camera mounted to the nose.
This system has a laser designator
and a moving map system
Mounted near the rear of the ship.
700/800 MHZ Encrypted
Police Model Radio
ABLE 1 is a 1994 Bell Textron TH-67 helicopter. When you look at the helicopter it is nearly identical to the Bell 206 Jet Rangers made during the same time. But, appearances can be deceiving. The TH-67 was designed as a training helicopter for the United States military. As such it has many improvements and upgrades to the air-frame and other systems to allow for the rigors of training. The TH-67 Creek was used as a primary teaching airship unit recently when the military transitioned to the UH-72 Lakota helicopter and other platforms. This placed the TH-67 to be sold on the open market for many eager fans of Bell aircraft.
Bell Aircraft
Model 250-C20J
Shaft horsepower:
420 SHP. The engine is limited to 317 SHP by the transmission.
Main Rotor:
33 Feet, 4 Inches
Tail Rotor:
2 Blades
5 Feet, 5 Inches
Max Gross Weight:
3200 LBS for hovering and flight
Airspeed Limitations:
Maximum airspeed with more than 3,000 lbs GW – 122 knots
Maximum airspeed cargo doors removed – 87 knots.
Cruise – 90 knots
Fuel Limitations:
Primary – JP4 or Jet B usable at all temperatures
Alternate – JP5, JP8, Jet A and Jet A1 usable above -25 degrees F (-32C)
Fuel Capacity:
84.1 US gallons. Usable fuel – 82.6 US gallons.
Allison Gas Turbine Division formerly of Rolls Royce.

Mark Ellis
Mark Ellis has been with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office since 2006 and currently holds the rank of Lieutenant. Lt. Ellis has served in various roles of the Sheriff’s office to include Marine, Patrol, Investigations, and Air Support. Lt. Ellis is the unit commander of the Air Support Unit and oversees the program. Lt. Ellis along with Detective Jerry Northrup and Pilot Todd Stam, are the founders of the Kootenai County Regional Air Support and responsible for Idaho’s first Law Enforcement Air Support program.

Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller has been with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office since 2007 and currently holds the rank of Sergeant. Sergeant Miller has served in various roles of the Sheriff’s office to include the Jail, Patrol, Field Training Officer, High Liability Instructor, Recreation Safety Supervisor, Dive Team, and Air Support. Sergeant Miller is the unit supervisor of the Air Support Unit and is responsible for personnel, training, maintenance, and logistics. Military experience: United States Army 2001-2008

David Cummings
Dave Cummings has over 40 years of experience flying both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. He served 10 years in the U.S. Army as a helicopter pilot / instructor then flew helicopters off-shore in Louisiana. He spent 25 years flying various helicopters and airplanes for the U.S. Customs Service / U.S. Customs & Border Protection, both foreign and domestic. Upon retirement from the federal government, he flew Emergency Medical Service transports (helicopter and airplane) while stationed in New Mexico, Washington and Idaho. Missing the time he spent flying law enforcement support, he joined the Kootenai County Regional Air Support Unit.

Jerrie Northrup
Jerrie Northrup has been with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office since 2000. Jerrie recently retired from the Detective’s Division as a Major Crimes Detective. Jerrie had been assigned to the detectives division since 2002 and served on the Drug Task Force, Special Investigations Unit, FBI’s Terrorism Task Force and the Critical Incident Response team for North Idaho. Jerrie was selected a tactical flight officer with the Spokane Sheriff’s Regional Air Support unit as well as starting the KCSO Robotics Team with Lt Mark Ellis. Pilot Todd Stam, Lt Ellis and Chief Flight Officer Northrup worked together to create the KCSO Air Support Unit.

Todd Stam
Todd Stam grew up in Sandpoint, Idaho and later moved to Coeur d’Alene in his early twenties. Todd and his wife started a home building company in Coeur d’Alene in the early 1990’s and are the proud parents of five children. Todd has always had interest in, appreciated and respected the men and women in blue. Todd has been a helicopter pilot for the past 18 years and when the opportunity arose to help Kootenai County and become a volunteer pilot, he couldn’t pass it up! Todd is honored to be a part of this incredible new program, and is looking forward to serving Kootenai County for many years to come!

RJ Garwood
RJ Garwood recently retired after 26 years in Law Enforcement from a large agency in Southern California. During his tenure, RJ was afforded several opportunities to work various assignments including; Patrol, Firearms Instructor, Field Training Officer, Narcotics Detective, SWAT Team member, Tactical Flight Officer and Commercial Helicopter Pilot. RJ retired as part of the Air Support Unit, after flying for over 14 years supporting the officers on the ground as the primary mission.

Stephen Henry
Born and raised in North Idaho, Stephen Henry graduated from Lake City High School, he answered the call to serve his country by joining the Marines, and during his three combat tours was awarded multiple Purple Hearts for wounds received. Upon returning to civilian life, he continued his dedication to the community by serving as a police officer for Covina Police Department. After working as a police officer, he fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming a helicopter pilot and returning to his beloved hometown. Stephen is delighted to serve his community from the skies, combining his passion and a sense of purpose.

Miranda Thomas
Miranda Thomas has been a Deputy with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office since 2020. Miranda was born and raised in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She is currently assigned to the City of Hayden as a Patrol Deputy. Miranda has served the Sheriff’s Office in several fashions, including Marine, Patrol, and as a member of specialty teams such as the KCSO Dive Rescue Team (2021-present), and the Kootenai County Regional Air Support Unit (2024-present).

Cody Ragan
Cody Ragan has been with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office since 2013. Cody was born in Coeur d’ Alene Idaho and graduated from Lakeland High School. Cody is a currently on the Kootenai County Dive Rescue Team, and has worked several different positions including Marine, Criminal Interdiction, Field Training Officer and the Civil Division. Cody has always enjoyed living in North Idaho and is excited to be a part of the Kootenai County Regional Air Support Unit.

Jonathan Traw
Jonathan Traw has been with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office full time since 2013. He currently is the supervising deputy over the Marine Division. Deputy Traw has served in various roles in the Sheriff’s Office to include starting with the Sheriff’s Office as a seasonal Marine Deputy in 2007, Patrol, and Field Training Officer. Currently Deputy Traw is on the Dive Team, Sonar Team, Crisis Negotiation Team, and the Kootenai County Regional Air Support Unit. Deputy Traw graduated from CHS, attended North Idaho College and Boise State University before returning back home to Kootenai County.

Tanner Cox
Tanner Cox has been with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office since 2017 and is currently assigned to the City of Hayden as a Patrol Deputy. Dep. Cox holds Marine, Detention and Patrol Idaho Law Enforcement Certificates. Dep. Cox graduated from Coeur d’Alene High School and went on to graduate from the University of New Mexico with a Bachelors of Business Administration. Dep. Cox is a member of the KCSO Traffic Team, KCSO Robotics Team and the Kootenai County Regional Air Support Unit.

Aaron Roach
Aaron Roach has been with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office since 2018 and is currently assigned to the City of Hayden as a Patrol Deputy. Aaron has served in marine patrol, as a Dive Tender with the Dive Team and he is currently a member of the KCSO Robotics/Drone team, Mobile Field Force (Crowd Control) and the Kootenai County Regional Air Support Unit.

Jim Walsh
Jim has 44 years of helicopter and corporate maintenance experience. Jim started out on the East Coast of the United States working for Island Helicopters and later moved up to Barrow Alaska, where he worked as the D.O.M. (Director of Maintenance) for Northslope Borough Search and Rescue. Jim currently works as the D.O.M. for private corporate aircraft located at the Pappy Boyington Airport in Coeur d’Alene. Jim has been in his current role for over 25 years. Jim holds an FAA A&P Mechanics license with and Inspectors Authorization (IA). Jim also has an FCC 1st Class radio repair license and is a DME (Designated Medical Examiner) for the FAA.
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